How to Relieve Back Pain From Sitting at a Desk?

Long periods of time spent sitting on an office chair can undoubtedly result in low back discomfortback pain from sitting at a desk or aggravate an already existing back problem. The main cause of this is that sitting, whether done in an office chair or otherwise, is a static position that puts more strain on the back, shoulders, arms, and legs. It can also put a lot of strain on the back muscles and spinal discs.

So if you are looking for how to relive back pain from sitting at desk, then now no need to be worried you are at the right place to relive your back pain.

Here we have made a quick list for how to relive back pain from sitting at desk, which you love for sure, just check out the list below…

  1. Take short breaks between the work
  2. Get a comfortable and ergonomic office chairs
  3. Ergonomic chair causing lower back pain
  4. Change your computers height as needed
  5. Practice to always seat in good and right postures
  6. Do exercises of back and neck & change the life style outside of workplace
  7. How to avoid back pain while working on a computer

1. Take short breaks between the work:-

All the people who are professionals and working in any official climate spend a significant amount of time sitting at a desk, whether they are working from home or in an office. In fact, one in four office workers sits for more than 8 hours per day. A higher risk of health issues has been associated with inactivity. And experts say all that sitting can cause back pain, a problem that almost 80% of adults will definitely experience at some point in their lives.

As we know, too much sitting can be harmful to our health, so you should try to take short and effective breaks in between your working hours. This is one of the easiest and most effective things you can do to relieve or reduce your back pain from sitting at a desk. Additionally, a study found that switching up your posture every 30 to 35 minutes could reduce shoulder and back pain.

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So make sure to think about getting up and moving around every 30 to 35 minutes during your working hours. You can extend and straighten your back as a result. Additionally, it will relieve your spine’s strain from sitting. Also, on your computer, watch, or phone, you may set a timer as a useful reminder to get up and move around whenever you can.

Back Pain From Sitting at a Desk

2. Get a Comfortable and Ergonomic Office Chairs:-

Choosing a good office chair can be a big help in promoting and following the right posture. Select a chair that lowers the level of lumbar support it offers your back. Consider purchasing a portable lumbar support that you can fit into your chair if the seats at work do not offer support. You can keep a straight spine and lessen back pain from working at desk by doing this.

To relieve the pressure on your upper back, your workplace chair’s armrests should lift your shoulders just a little. You’ll be less likely to recline when the armrests are properly set.

If the lower back support of your office chair is poor, consider adding a small pillow behind your back to help with posture. Or just bring a new ergonomic office chair.

Back Pain From Sitting at a Desk

3. Ergonomic Chair Causing Lower Back Pain:-

Well, this is a very popular rumor nowadays! But the truth is that it is just crap and bullshit. We can absolutely get relief by purchasing a good ergonomic office chair. A good ergonomic chair can also assist us in developing the habit of sitting with proper posture.

Pick a chair for your office that supports your lower back. Your back’s natural curvature is encouraged by lumbar support, which relieves pressure and tension. The seat of a decent office chair should be lavish and padded so that you may sit there all day. And also select a swivel chair if you need to turn or rotate regularly to avoid twisting your torso. You’ll be able to rotate while keeping a straight posture because of this.

Ergonomic Chair Causing Lower Back Pain

4. Change Your Computers Height as Needed:-

Your neck and back may be put under pressure if your computer screen is positioned improperly. Experts advise that your eyes should be directly above the center of your computer screen while seated upright in a chair. If your computer doesn’t have an adjustable monitor, you can modify the height of your computer using accessories like a laptop stand.

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Place all of your commonly used products within arm’s reach so that you don’t have to reach for pencils, tape, or your phone. Keep your keyboard close to you and your computer mouse close by. If you need to reach something, make sure you can do it without bending or stretching.

Adjust the height of your monitor so that the top is at eye level. You shouldn’t need to angle your head or lean forward; your eyes should land naturally on the p of your screen that you use the most.

Change Your Computers Height as Needed

5. Practice to Always Seat in Good and Right Postures:-

The best posture of sitting is a very obvious needed thing in regular and healthy working life. So you should really be aware of the need to practice sitting with good posture.

Keep both of your feet fully planted on the ground while sitting at a desk for the finest posture. Your body’s tension will be reduced throughout, including in your knees. For short periods of time, try to maintain your legs straight. The act of crossing your legs will cause your spine to curve.

Long durations of sitting make it simple to unintentionally start reclining or leaning. If this bad posture isn’t fixed right away, it might eventually result in severe pain from sitting at desk and chronic back issues. By reducing the gravitational pressure on your spine, correct posture can enhance comfort and lower your chance of developing back discomfort.

You should keep your head and neck aligned directly above your shoulders, back against the backrest of your chair, shoulders back and square with your computer screen, upper arms parallel to your spine by moving your chair close to your desk, feet flat on the ground, and do not cross your legs. Keep your knees at a 90-degree angle and use a footrest if possible.

Practice to Always Seat in Good and Right Postures

6. Do Exercises of Back and Neck & Change the Life Style Outside of Workplace:-

If you are able to work out, make sure to do some neck and back exercises at least once a day. Some stretching and movable exercises can help your body manage long periods of sitting. If your key exercise makes you stronger, you’ll be able to maintain proper sitting posture more promptly.

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Squeeze the shoulder blades and stretch the lower back when seated; these two are the best exercises during your working hour, and knee-to-chest stretches, stretching the lower back with rotation, flexibility workouts for the lower back, bridge exercises, and cat stretching are for your daily routine workout.

Selecting good and healthy choices or options could also make your back pain from sitting at desk  go away. Doing daily effective exercises, maintaining a good fit and healthy weight, and avoiding bad habits like chewing tobacco or drinking alcohol; these of changes in your lifestyle could also help you to keep your body healthy. So you should make sure to follow these healthy daily.

Do Exercises of Back and Neck & Change the Life Style Outside of Workplace

People are also asking for tips on how to avoid back pain while working on a computer, so we’ve also highlighted this issue and its solution here…

7. How to Avoid Back Pain While Working on a Computer:-

Use a chair with a backrest that supports your lower back’s curve. Place your thighs parallel to your knees at hip level as you recline on the chair. Put your feet up on the ground or a footrest and relax.

 If you wear glasses with progressive lenses, these glasses must be worn with a slight head tilt in order to work. Your neck or pain from sitting at desk may be brought on by this tilting motion. Consider requesting office-friendly spectacles from your ophthalmologist.

After a long day, having a computer screen that is too high or too low may cause shoulder, back, or neck discomfort. You shouldn’t have to constantly glance up or down if the top of the screen is at eye level.

Set the height of your keyboard so that your elbows are roughly 90 degrees bent and your shoulders are not slumped. And check the (Change your computers height as needed) topic in this article.

How to Avoid Back Pain While Working on a Computer


This Back pain is a type of pain that might result from tightness or straining of joints, ligaments, and muscles. back pain from working at desk can be avoided by modifying lifestyle patterns, including the regular exercises given above. It can also be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, introducing short breaks for relaxation during daily working hours, and obviously choosing a good ergonomic office chair for the office. However, if the condition continues for longer, then you should consult a qualified and professional doctor to avoid more issues or difficulties.

But first, you should follow some good habits, change your lifestyle, do daily effective exercises, select a good ergonomic office chair, and check the results. So we have put together a quick list for you about how to relieve back pain from sitting at a desk. So make sure to check out this article on our website. We believe that you will definitely love to follow…